Recovery mode перевод – Рекавери на Андроид – пошаговые инструкции с фото [2019]

recovery mode — с английского на русский

  • Recovery — Re*cov er*y (r?*k?v ?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession. [1913 Webster] 2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mode-Setting — Unter Mode Setting versteht man das Einstellen der Bildschirmauflösung und Farbtiefe der Grafikkarte durch Software. Moderne Mode Setting Software unterstützt nebst Hot Plugging auch die Verwendung von mehreren Monitoren (sogenannter Multi Head… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • recovery from fallback —    Restoration to its former condition of a system that has switched to a fallback mode of operation when the cause of the fallback has been removed. The recovery process can involve updating information in the files to produce two duplicate… …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Recovery Console —    In Microsoft Windows 2000, a command line interface that gives access to a set of commands used to recover a system that will not restart.    See also Emergency Repair Disk; safe mode …   Dictionary of networking

  • Common recovery — Recovery Re*cov er*y (r?*k?v ?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession. [1913 Webster] 2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Burst mode clock and data recovery — The passive optical network (PON) uses tree like network topology. Due to the topology of PON, the transmission modes for downstream (i.e., from optical line termination, OLT to optical network unit, ONU) and upstream (i.e., from ONU to OLT) are… …   Wikipedia

  • SCSI mode pages

    — SCSI target devices provide a number of SCSI mode pages. These can be interrogated by a Mode Sense command and set by a Mode Select command. The Mode Sense and Mode Select commands include a 6 bit address field, allowing for 64 possible mode… …   Wikipedia

  • Directory Services Restore Mode — (DSRM) is used on a Microsoft Windows Domain Controller to take the Active Directory on that machine offline. Contents 1 How to Boot 2 Password 3 Partial Depreciation 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Depeche Mode — en vivo en Londres 2009 Datos generales Origen …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prothèse totale de hanche : techniques mini invasives et Rapid Recovery — De nos jours, différentes techniques de pose de prothèse totale de hanche sont employées en chirurgie orthopédique : aux techniques classiques tendent à se substituer peu à peu des techniques dites « mini invasives », destinées à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Addressing mode — Addressing modes are an aspect of the instruction set architecture in most central processing unit (CPU) designs. The various addressing modes that are defined in a given instruction set architecture define how machine language instructions in… …   Wikipedia

  • recovery mode — перевод — Английский-Русский Словарь

    en But now it is in recovery mode.

    OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru И это чрезвычайно ему нравилось

    en Friends will be pleased to know that Clive was well and truly in recovery mode when I saw him last week, a few days before his return to New Zealand

    MultiUnru Разве не мило, Пэм, что Гвен учла твои вегетаринские пристрастия!

    en This error message indicates that your Chromecast is in recovery mode.

    support.googleru Так что в воздух, берегите себя и помните, что дома вас ждут огромные жирные свиноподобные жены

    en The challenge is now to achieve a gradual transition from relief to recovery mode, keeping in mind that the humanitarian situation is volatile.

    UN-2ru Член Чрезвычайного совета внутренних дел

    en Since Montserrat has been in a “recovery and rehabilitation” mode since # it has been a challenge to respond to a growing emergency while attempting to facilitate the development process

    MultiUnru Спокойной ночи, Йоси

    en Since Montserrat has been in a “recovery and rehabilitation” mode since 1998, it has been a challenge to respond to a growing emergency while attempting to facilitate the development process.

    UN-2ru Да си хванем риба!Дано оживея

    en The IT savvy user might prefer the option to customize the file search and recovery via the Advanced Mode settings.

    Common crawlru Должны остаться

    en As the response switched gear from emergency mode to longer-term recovery, foreign medical teams began to leave and temporary health facilities started to transition from tents to buildings.

    WHOru У меня тоже небольшое пособие

    en Users who are new to the program are advised to select the Easy Mode of running the recovery process.

    Common crawlru Вы не будете допрашивать моего сына без меня, понятно?

    en An extremely low fuel consumption in the heating mode is possible due to the recovery of energy from the air, water or ground.

    Common crawlru Частное использование

    en The principle is to proceed to a second coding on a sample of forms representative of the different modes of coding (automatic and manual recovery) then to analyze the discrepancies.

    UN-2ru Какой же низкой нужно быть женщиной, чтобы заставить мужчину отказаться от помолвки

    en The principle is to proceed to a second coding on a sample of forms representative of the different modes of coding (automatic and manual recovery) then to analyze the discrepancies

    MultiUnru Это- Сионизм

    en The Executive Office of the Secretary-General accepted the recommendation indicating that it would need to consult with relevant parties to define the mode of engagement of the regional commissions tailoring to regional specificities and discuss how to enhance collaboration in recovery on policy and operational issues.

    UN-2ru Да, и мы ловили настоящих преступников!

    en These include, for example, the choice of modes of reparation by a victim/injured State, the effect of settlement of a claim of responsibility, and a possible rule against double recovery.

    UN-2ru А откуда вы знаете?

    en These include, for example, the choice of modes of reparation by a victim/injured State, the effect of settlement of a claim of responsibility, and a possible rule against double recovery

    MultiUnru Я бы не выдержала весь их балаган, особенно весь вечер

    en In providing assistance to Afghanistan for recovery and reconstruction, the international community should respect its sovereignty and encourage the Afghan Government and people to exercise full ownership and to choose their own mode of governance and development in line with their national conditions.

    UN-2ru Вагон для людей

    en Different modes of interaction with integrated assessment models can be identified such as scenario analysis, the determination of target loads, the design and use of “recovery isolines”, and the integration of a dynamic model into an integrated assessment model (e.g. RAINS

    MultiUnru Пожалуйста

    en The method for increasing oil recovery from formations in the oil extraction process consists in generating sustained wave influence on a formation in a range of infra-low frequencies during the process of extracting liquid using standard pump equipment operating in a cyclical oil extraction mode.

    patents-wiporu В субботу она будет на вечеринке Вики Эпплби

    en Renewable energy: solar energy, wind energy, sustainable biomass, geothermal heat and power, small-scale hydropower, wave and tidal power, ambient heat, ocean thermal energy conversion, activities to promote anaerobic respiration, and energy recovery from biogas, including landfill gas; Energy efficiency: advanced technologies for combined heat and power installations and gas-fired power plants; [significant] improvements in existing energy production; advanced technologies for, and/or [significant] improvements in, industrial processes, buildings, energy transmission, transportation and distribution; more efficient and less polluting modes of mass and public transport (passenger and goods) and improvement or substitution of existing vehicles, and existing fuel sources; Demand-side management: improvements in residential, commercial, transport and industrial energy consumption

    MultiUnru Не передумал?

    en Renewable energy: solar energy, wind energy, sustainable biomass, geothermal heat and power, small scale hydro power, wave and tidal power, ambient heat, energy recovery from biogas, including landfill gas; Energy efficiency: advanced technologies for combined heat and power installations and gas fired power plants; significant improvements in existing energy production; advanced technologies for, and/or significant improvements in industrial processes, buildings, energy transmission, transportation and distribution; more efficient and less polluting modes of mass and public transport (passenger and goods) and improvement or substitution of existing vehicles; Demand side management: improvements in residential, commercial, transport and industrial consumption

    MultiUnru Будь они прокляты, ненавис- стные!

    Recovery Mode ▷ Перевод На Русский


    Результатов: 20, Время: 0.0857

    Английский перевод

    режим восстановления режиме восстановления

    Примеры использования «Recovery Mode» в предложение и их переводы

    In order to enter recovery mode, proceed as following:. Чтобы включить режим восстановления, выполните следующие действия:. Continue holding the volume buttons to open
    recovery mode
    . Продолжайте удерживать кнопки громкости, чтобы включить режим восстановления. The watch may be in the power
    recovery mode
    (page E-17). Часы могут находиться в режиме восстановления заряда аккумуляторной батарейки. This indicates that the watch is in the power recovery mode.
    Это означает, что часы находятся в режиме восстановления энергии. Device is crashed and under recovery mode. Устройство неисправно и находится в режиме восстановления. Seagate NAS are preconfigured to automatically enter
    recovery mode
    when hard drives are not inserted into the enclosure. Система seagate NAS предварительно сконфигурирована на автоматический вход в режим восстановления в случае отсутствия жестких дисков в корпусе.
    Recovery mode
    launches when you turn off your device and hold down the»Home» button when connecting the USB cable. Режим восстановления запускается с помощью выключения телефона и удерживания кнопки» home» при подключении USB- кабеля. Start autoshsh and plug in you iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad in
    recovery mode
    (only one device at a time). Запустите autoshsh и подключите iphone/ ipod touch/ ipad в режиме восстановления( только одно устройство за раз). To make certain that the NAS pro enters recovery mode, continue to push the recovery button for five seconds after releasing the front power button. Чтобы устройство NAS pro гарантированно вошло в режим восстановления, удерживайте нажатой кнопку восстановления в течение пяти секунд после того, как отпустите кнопку питания. After the USB drive preparation is done, the start your server in recovery mode screen displays. По завершении подготовки съемного диска USB отобразится экран « загрузка сервера в режиме восстановления ». When first booting a diskless seagate NAS, the device must enter recovery mode. Во время первой загрузки бездисковой системы seagate NAS устройство должно перейти в режим восстановления. Unlike other formatting options, this must be done by accessing a special recovery mode. В отличие от других параметров форматирования, использовать этот метод необходимо в особом режиме восстановления. Then this screen will appear below and the phone will give a reboot in recovery mode. Затем вы видите этот экран, показанный ниже, и ваш телефон даст перезагрузки в режиме восстановления. However, when operating in heat recovery mode, the cop can be has high as 10, making the daikin vrv system the most advanced of its kind. Однако при работе в режиме рекуперации теплоты значение COP может возрастать до 10, выводя систему daikin VRV на уровень, не имеющий себе равных. When booting the WSS NAS in recovery mode, the seagate WSS NAS recovery automatically checks disk 1 for the operating system partition.

    recovery mode — translation — English-Russian Dictionary

    en But now it is in recovery mode.

    OpenSubtitles2018.v3ru И это чрезвычайно ему нравилось

    en Friends will be pleased to know that Clive was well and truly in recovery mode when I saw him last week, a few days before his return to New Zealand

    MultiUnru Разве не мило, Пэм, что Гвен учла твои вегетаринские пристрастия!

    en This error message indicates that your Chromecast is in recovery mode.

    support.googleru Так что в воздух, берегите себя и помните, что дома вас ждут огромные жирные свиноподобные жены

    en The challenge is now to achieve a gradual transition from relief to recovery mode, keeping in mind that the humanitarian situation is volatile.

    UN-2ru Член Чрезвычайного совета внутренних дел

    en Since Montserrat has been in a “recovery and rehabilitation” mode since # it has been a challenge to respond to a growing emergency while attempting to facilitate the development process

    MultiUnru Спокойной ночи, Йоси

    en Since Montserrat has been in a “recovery and rehabilitation” mode since 1998, it has been a challenge to respond to a growing emergency while attempting to facilitate the development process.

    UN-2ru Да си хванем риба!Дано оживея

    en The IT savvy user might prefer the option to customize the file search and recovery via the Advanced Mode settings.

    Common crawlru Должны остаться

    en As the response switched gear from emergency mode to longer-term recovery, foreign medical teams began to leave and temporary health facilities started to transition from tents to buildings.

    WHOru У меня тоже небольшое пособие

    en Users who are new to the program are advised to select the Easy Mode of running the recovery process.

    Common crawlru Вы не будете допрашивать моего сына без меня, понятно?

    en An extremely low fuel consumption in the heating mode is possible due to the recovery of energy from the air, water or ground.

    Common crawlru Частное использование

    en The principle is to proceed to a second coding on a sample of forms representative of the different modes of coding (automatic and manual recovery) then to analyze the discrepancies.

    UN-2ru Какой же низкой нужно быть женщиной, чтобы заставить мужчину отказаться от помолвки

    en The principle is to proceed to a second coding on a sample of forms representative of the different modes of coding (automatic and manual recovery) then to analyze the discrepancies

    MultiUnru Это- Сионизм

    en The Executive Office of the Secretary-General accepted the recommendation indicating that it would need to consult with relevant parties to define the mode of engagement of the regional commissions tailoring to regional specificities and discuss how to enhance collaboration in recovery on policy and operational issues.

    UN-2ru Да, и мы ловили настоящих преступников!

    en These include, for example, the choice of modes of reparation by a victim/injured State, the effect of settlement of a claim of responsibility, and a possible rule against double recovery.

    UN-2ru А откуда вы знаете?

    en These include, for example, the choice of modes of reparation by a victim/injured State, the effect of settlement of a claim of responsibility, and a possible rule against double recovery

    MultiUnru Я бы не выдержала весь их балаган, особенно весь вечер

    en In providing assistance to Afghanistan for recovery and reconstruction, the international community should respect its sovereignty and encourage the Afghan Government and people to exercise full ownership and to choose their own mode of governance and development in line with their national conditions.

    UN-2ru Вагон для людей

    en Different modes of interaction with integrated assessment models can be identified such as scenario analysis, the determination of target loads, the design and use of “recovery isolines”, and the integration of a dynamic model into an integrated assessment model (e.g. RAINS

    MultiUnru Пожалуйста

    en The method for increasing oil recovery from formations in the oil extraction process consists in generating sustained wave influence on a formation in a range of infra-low frequencies during the process of extracting liquid using standard pump equipment operating in a cyclical oil extraction mode.

    patents-wiporu В субботу она будет на вечеринке Вики Эпплби

    en Renewable energy: solar energy, wind energy, sustainable biomass, geothermal heat and power, small-scale hydropower, wave and tidal power, ambient heat, ocean thermal energy conversion, activities to promote anaerobic respiration, and energy recovery from biogas, including landfill gas; Energy efficiency: advanced technologies for combined heat and power installations and gas-fired power plants; [significant] improvements in existing energy production; advanced technologies for, and/or [significant] improvements in, industrial processes, buildings, energy transmission, transportation and distribution; more efficient and less polluting modes of mass and public transport (passenger and goods) and improvement or substitution of existing vehicles, and existing fuel sources; Demand-side management: improvements in residential, commercial, transport and industrial energy consumption

    MultiUnru Не передумал?

    en Renewable energy: solar energy, wind energy, sustainable biomass, geothermal heat and power, small scale hydro power, wave and tidal power, ambient heat, energy recovery from biogas, including landfill gas; Energy efficiency: advanced technologies for combined heat and power installations and gas fired power plants; significant improvements in existing energy production; advanced technologies for, and/or significant improvements in industrial processes, buildings, energy transmission, transportation and distribution; more efficient and less polluting modes of mass and public transport (passenger and goods) and improvement or substitution of existing vehicles; Demand side management: improvements in residential, commercial, transport and industrial consumption

    MultiUnru Будь они прокляты, ненавис- стные!

    recovery mode — с русского на английский

  • Recovery — Re*cov er*y (r?*k?v ?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession. [1913 Webster] 2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mode-Setting — Unter Mode Setting versteht man das Einstellen der Bildschirmauflösung und Farbtiefe der Grafikkarte durch Software. Moderne Mode Setting Software unterstützt nebst Hot Plugging auch die Verwendung von mehreren Monitoren (sogenannter Multi Head… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • recovery from fallback —    Restoration to its former condition of a system that has switched to a fallback mode of operation when the cause of the fallback has been removed. The recovery process can involve updating information in the files to produce two duplicate… …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Recovery Console —    In Microsoft Windows 2000, a command line interface that gives access to a set of commands used to recover a system that will not restart.    See also Emergency Repair Disk; safe mode …   Dictionary of networking

  • Common recovery — Recovery Re*cov er*y (r?*k?v ?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession. [1913 Webster] 2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Burst mode clock and data recovery — The passive optical network (PON) uses tree like network topology. Due to the topology of PON, the transmission modes for downstream (i.e., from optical line termination, OLT to optical network unit, ONU) and upstream (i.e., from ONU to OLT) are… …   Wikipedia

  • SCSI mode pages — SCSI target devices provide a number of SCSI mode pages. These can be interrogated by a Mode Sense command and set by a Mode Select command. The Mode Sense and Mode Select commands include a 6 bit address field, allowing for 64 possible mode… …   Wikipedia

  • Directory Services Restore Mode — (DSRM) is used on a Microsoft Windows Domain Controller to take the Active Directory on that machine offline. Contents 1 How to Boot 2 Password 3 Partial Depreciation 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Depeche Mode — en vivo en Londres 2009 Datos generales Origen …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prothèse totale de hanche : techniques mini invasives et Rapid Recovery — De nos jours, différentes techniques de pose de prothèse totale de hanche sont employées en chirurgie orthopédique : aux techniques classiques tendent à se substituer peu à peu des techniques dites « mini invasives », destinées à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Addressing mode — Addressing modes are an aspect of the instruction set architecture in most central processing unit (CPU) designs. The various addressing modes that are defined in a given instruction set architecture define how machine language instructions in… …   Wikipedia

  • recovery mode — Перевод на русский — примеры английский

    Возможно, Вы имели в виду: recovery under

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Disk Editor now includes Advanced Recovery Mode.

    У утилиты Disk Editor появился новый режим — Advanced Recovery Mode.

    But now it is in recovery mode.

    Предложить пример

    Другие результаты

    There are multiple-failure recovery modes from other impact-induced failures.

    На случай других отказов в работе, вызванных столкновениями с космическими объектами, предусмотрен целый ряд аварийных спасательных методов.

    The IT savvy user might prefer the option to customize the file search and recovery via the Advanced Mode settings.

    Мы надеемся, что благодаря этому, работа с программой станет еще более удобной и понятной, а специалисты останутся довольны возможностями расширенного режима.

    Little Joe II was an American rocket used from 1963-1966 for five unmanned tests of the Apollo spacecraft launch escape system (LES), and to verify the performance of the command module parachute recovery system in abort mode.

    Литл Джо II был американской ракетой-носителем, использованной в пяти суборбитальных беспилотных испытательных пусках системы аварийного спасения (САС) и проверки работы парашютов командного модуля для космического корабля Аполлон в 1963-1966 гг.

    Since Montserrat has been in a «recovery and rehabilitation» mode since 1998, it has been a challenge to respond to a growing emergency while attempting to facilitate the development process.

    Поскольку с 1998 года в Монтсеррате проходит процесс «возрождения и восстановления экономики», одновременно реагировать на обостряющуюся чрезвычайную обстановку и пытаться содействовать процессу развития является сложной задачей.

    Live mode is useful for operations such as data recovery or hard drive partitioning.

    The Bidirectional Optimistic mode is similar to the Unidirectional mode, except that a feedback channel is used to send error recovery requests and (optionally) acknowledgments of significant context updates from the decompressor to compressor.

    Двунаправленный оптимистичный режим схож с предыдущим, но обладает каналом обратной связи, который используется для запросов декомпрессором восстановления ошибочных данных и (опционально) подтверждения значимых обновлений контекста потока.

    An extremely low fuel consumption in the heating mode is possible due to the recovery of energy from the air, water or ground.

    Чрезвычайно низкие затраты топлива в режиме обогрева возможны за счет получения энергии из воздуха, воды и земли.

    Users who are new to the program are advised to select the Easy Mode of running the recovery process.

    Мы сделали в программе два режима работы: простой и расширенный.

    The Executive Office of the Secretary-General accepted the recommendation indicating that it would need to consult with relevant parties to define the mode of engagement of the regional commissions tailoring to regional specificities and discuss how to enhance collaboration in recovery on policy and operational issues.

    Канцелярия Генерального секретаря согласилась с этой рекомендацией, указав, что ей необходимо будет проконсультироваться с соответствующими сторонами, с тем чтобы определить форму участия региональных комиссий, соответствующую региональным особенностям, и обсудить пути углубления сотрудничества в стратегических и оперативных вопросах в рамках восстановительной деятельности.


    ext3 is the journaled version of the ext2 filesystem, providing metadata journaling for fast recovery in addition to other enhanced journaling modes like full data and ordered data journaling.

    ext3 — это журналируемая версия ext2. Она обладает средствами журналирования метаданных для быстрого восстановления наряду с другими режимами ведения журнала, такими как журналирование всех данных и упорядоченное ведение журнала данных.

    ext3 is the journaled version of the ext2 filesystem, providing metadata journaling for fast recovery in addition to other enhanced journaling modes like full data and ordered data journaling.

    ext3 — это журналируемая версия ext2, где для ускорения восстановления появилось журналирование метаданных, а также другие режимы, наподобие полного или упорядоченного журналирования данных.

    The method for increasing oil recovery from formations in the oil extraction process consists in generating sustained wave influence on a formation in a range of infra-low frequencies during the process of extracting liquid using standard pump equipment operating in a cyclical oil extraction mode.

    Способ повышения нефтеотдачи пластов в процессе добычи нефти состоит в создании длительного волнового воздействия на пласт в диапазоне инфранизких частот в процессе добычи жидкости и при использовании штатного насосного оборудования, работающего в циклическом режиме добычи нефти.

    Different modes of interaction with integrated assessment models can be identified such as scenario analysis, the determination of target loads, the design and use of «recovery isolines», and the integration of a dynamic model into an integrated assessment model.

    Можно определить различные виды взаимодействия между моделями для комплексной оценки, такие, как анализ сценариев, определение контрольных нагрузок, разработка и использование «изолиний восстановления«, а также встраивание динамической модели в модель для комплексной оценки.

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